I faced Monday with that on my mind. I walked 20 minutes, ate sensibly and Tuesday, I headed back to Weight Watchers. I need to lose 25 lbs. I know it will not be easy. I love food too much and it is really hard when you have to cook for others who are not watching their weight.
I will keep you up-to-date on my progress. Pray for me. It seems harder this time around.
I have walked every day this week so far. God has blessed Arkansas with some gorgeous weather and I am loving it!
What have I been knitting? Well, working on Easter sweaters. Not sure which one I will be wearing, but probably the Terracotta one, I have the skirt made for it.
This one is a new design. It is called Spring in B

This one is someone else's design. I thought it was really great looking. I did it in a pistachio green that looks awful on me, but I love this color and decided that I would wear it anyway. It is just such a great color and goes with so many things. I am going to make a brown linen dress to go with it. I need a brown linen dress for dressy occasions.

Love the terracotta sweater! Will the pattern be available on Ravelry, please? Best wishes for the weight loss. I need to lose 20 too. Just hope we don't find what each other loses! The AR weather has been lovely, except for the pollen. =)
Good for you! Walking is great exercise. I wouldn't mind losing 10 lbs. myself. A few things that I have personally found helpful to taking off extra pounds are walking daily, drinking LOTS of water, and eating as much fresh and raw foods as possible. Somehow, the more water I drink and the more raw fruits and veggies I eat, the more satisfied and energetic I feel which makes it easier to avoid overindulging in those foods that tend to undermine weight loss.
Lot's of things are harder in your fifties but you don't stop tackling hard things just because you are in your fifties!!! These sweaters are just perfect-great knitting!
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