Another give away!This one is for my second 10,000 yards of yarn that I used last year. It is roving.
First there are 4 ounces of this Brown Sheep roving. It spins up to a really nice navy heather. It would be great as a pair of socks.

This is the other half of the give away. It is 4 ounces of some llama/corriedale blend. It will spin up to be a nice brown heather yarn. Both of these could be yours.

Leave a comment and you will put into the drawing.
If you don't spin then think outside the box. You could knit a pair of
thrummed mittens. They use roving and are very thick and warm.
I blocked 4 shawls this week.
The wedding shawl for Sheila, the shawl below is another sample for my
Learning Lace Workshop Shawl class.

I ripped back two shawls that I had made last year and added a deeper edging. The green one is Leaves Budding and the orange one is Leaves Blazing. They each only use 450 yards of sock yarn. I love the orange colorway. It is Knit Picks Stroll Tonal sock weight yarn in Foliage.

Your shawls are beautiful!
Thanks for the chance to win some roving. I just thought it would be nice to spin a little blue, but the brown is nice too. Hmmmmm?
Beautiful shawls! I love both those rovings. I just resumed spinning after an 18-month absence.
Love the new shawls.....I like the little design along the top edge-nice touch! Thanks for the give a way!
thrummed mittens... what a great idea.... your mittens are lovely...
"Ripping back a shawl I've already finished" is a concept I can't even wrap my mind around!!
I am a spinner and I could just crawl in that basket of roving and go sound asleep !!!!
I have always wanted to try spinning, but lack the supplies. Maybe winning will give me the needed push.
I'd love to receive that roving. Thanks, Kay!
Anne Bean
Wow, I love the shawls! And I've been just itching to try thrummed mittens AND to learn to spin - that is some beautiful roving :-)
Kristychikadee on Rav
Your shawls are lovely!
I started learning to spin once and seem to have abandoned it, but maybe I'll try it again tomorrow.
Wow! The roving looks like fun to work with. How exciting for whoever wins it!
Ooh, your shawls are beautiful!
I'd love to spin that roving!
Those shawls are beautiful. I'd love a chance to win those rovings.
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