This give away is for my fifth 10,000 yards of yarn used last year. It will be awarded to TWO blessed people. It will be my final give away and requires NO knitting ability.
The first one is a completed First Shawl.
It is a triangular shawl made in a creamy natural colored finger weight yarn of 65% Merino, 35% Bamboo. I have used pearl seed beads on the edging. This one will go to the person chosen by the Random Number Generator next Monday after 12:00 noon.

It is a triangular shawl made with Knit Picks finger weight Gloss in Black and uses smoky gray, silver-lined seed beads throughout.
This one will be awarded to the person who posted on my blog the most comments last year. I will be counting those this weekend.
It is a very dressy, elegant shawl.

One of these shawls could be yours.
Sorry, but if you have already won during these give aways, you are exempt from this drawing, but I still would love your comments.
Leave a comment and you will be put into the drawing. If you are on Ravelry, please put your Ravelry name on your comment.
By the way, this applies to USA residents ONLY. Sorry, unless you want to help defray the shipping costs.
What a wonderful give-away! Lovely shawls - a lot of time and effort.
Thank you!
so pretty....
These shawls are very lovely. I am alway so inspired when I see how lovely they turn out. It makes me think knitting one would be so rewarding...I feel brave. knitterofhats on Ravelry
I can't imagine knitting these beautiful items....and giving them away!! Hehe I'm too selfish!.
I KNOW that if fate smiled on me, the shawl would be in good hands. It's my goal for this year to ALWAYS be wearing or carrying something hand-knit.
Best of Luck to everyone!!
Wow, I would be thrilled to win the yarn, but a completed hand knit, be still my heart. I'm on Ravelry as Auntea.
Your designs are beautiful! Congrats again on your prolific year of knitting!
laurag1215 @ ravelry
What a wonderful and generous give away. Absolutely beautiful shawls!
katyquilts on Ravelry
The shawls are amazing. Thanks for the giveaways, these last few weeks, I would have never learned how to comment if you hadn't done them. I even commented on my daughter's blog who lives in DC and she was most impressed but figured something having to do with knitting must have given me the new skill:). God has blessed you with amazing generosity!
The shawls are beautiful! To win one would be a delight.
Terzah on Ravelry
Wow, you are turning out some amazing giveaways! These shawls are just perfect!
My goodness - I didn't think the giveaway could get any better. A handknit shawl from you, would be like wearing gold!
Ravelry: meilynne
I know I can't win twice, but I just wanted to say they are beautiful, friend! You are such a giver!
Ooh, I hope I get one! They are both so beautiful!!
Both shawls are beautiful! I look forward to seeing who wins each (especially if one of them happens to go to me) :)
My ravelry username is Jeannelb
I was hoping for a non-knitter give away. You know I love your work, but you know I love you more :)
Well! I,ve read all these flattering comments and they are all so true
May I be so bold as to ask WHY you never told me about GIVE A WAYS? You know me, I would have been every first comment. You are tooooo generous, you are also beautiful, and smart, and thin, and a great cook. Let me that all? I think not..YOU are also the most creative
and accomplished knitter that I know!!!
Wow! Lovely shawls. I wear shawls all the time and would love to add one more to the "wearing" pile. :-) You are so generous to gift them away like this. I am GaleKnits2 on Rav.
Kay! You are beyond kind!!! And whoo-hooo! A non-knitter give-away!!! (one of these days I'll learn to knit, I hope!) They're both beautiful. And you know a Kay-knitted anything would be well-loved in my home!!
Hi! These are the most beautiful shawls. I admire the work it took. I think that you are wonderful to give them away. I haven't had the courage to try a shawl yet. Someone will be very lucky.
Lovely shawls. Thanks! Bknittin
Wow! Kay, these are so beautiful! I would love to wear anything that you made of course! Terri
HappyMomOf5 on Ravelry
OMG what a fantastic giveaway. I would be ecstatic to win either one of these beauties. ravelry name: downegirl
Wow, those are beautiful!
ccaj - ravelry
Wow! I cannot believe you would give away two shawls- or even one shawl. Thanks for the chance. They are absolutely gorgeous!
I think that this is about the third time that I've tried leaving a comment! Perhaps I don't have a clue, but I finally got signed in!
The shawls are beautiful! I'd be proud to have one! Hopefully I'll have more luck with your drawing than I had trying to sign in---haha!
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