The ramblings of an Arkie (Arkansas native)
child of God/wife/mother/Gammy/knitter/crocheter/quilter/weaver/spinner/designer.
Proverbs 31:13a She seeks wool....the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her....
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
New website, new blog
I now have a website! My blog will be on it, too, so come on over and join me to find out what I am up to in my crafting world. 😊
Hi Kay My name is Tina and I purchased the Leisure Arts Keepsake Baby Afghans. I have been working on crocheting the Heirloom Ruffles Afghan. I purchased the booklet to make the beautiful blankets.. I made the Heirloom Ruffles blanket for my granddaughter 13 years ago, now I am trying to make the same blanket for my Great Niece but I can’t figure out the trim. I have completed the body but I cannot figure the trim. Help!! Do you have a YouTube or a site I ca go to to see the trim demonstrated. Thank you
Hi Kay
My name is Tina and I purchased the Leisure Arts Keepsake Baby Afghans. I have been working on crocheting the Heirloom Ruffles Afghan. I purchased the booklet to make the beautiful blankets.. I made the Heirloom Ruffles blanket for my granddaughter 13 years ago, now I am trying to make the same blanket for my Great Niece but I can’t figure out the trim. I have completed the body but I cannot figure the trim.
Do you have a YouTube or a site I ca go to to see the trim demonstrated.
Thank you
Tina, I have emailed you.
Hi! I worked up your scarf "Fringed Benefits Neck Scarf" and I don't understand the bind off. Do you have a video or pictures?
My email is
Thank you, Leslie
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