Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Putting off grafting.....

Well, I finished my Half Circle Cardigan last night and even got it all sewn together. All that I lack is grafting the 74 sts in K2 P2 ribbing at the back of the neck together. I, so, hate grafting sts. I even sat down this morning and reconciled my checkbook, in order to avoid the grafting. Who would have "thunk" that I would choose reconciling my checkbook over anything! I finished the other "Shaquille O'Neal" knit clog! So now, I have 2 presents done for my Christmas stash. I am 1/3 done on another Table Runner. I may start another pair of clogs for another friend who like me has cold feet. I don't know if I will put phoofy yarn around hers. I will have to wait until I get to that part of the shoe.
Who would have thought that it would be so hard to have a lot of knitting time? I am trying to be a good wife and listen to my husband. He knows how easy it is for my back to go out and how a small bit of overdoing it can put me back to square one. I feel impatient with this forced lifestyle of leisure. It is so hard to not be up on my feet doing something, anything, cleaning, redecorating the bathrooms, organizing my yarn stash. By the time my back gets better, my back side will look like a double wide trailer being pulled down the freeway.
Maybe I will play a Knitpicks podcast and graft the stinking sts, then it will be done!

1 comment:

fleegle said...

Coward! Wimp! The next thing you know you'll be organizing your socks, cleaning out that drawer in the kitchen (I KNOW you have that messy drawer in the kitchen), and polishing the floor of the garage just to avoid grafting. Just pick up the needle and go for it!