Another give away!
This one is for my third 10,000 yards of yarn that I used last year. It is a Seasons of Life Shawl Kit. It includes the pattern for the shawl (this has not been released to the public, yet), some lovely hand-dyed light finger weight, mohair/wool blend yarn and 2 bags of size 8 seed beads.
This yarn is a lovely semi solid yarn of mulberry, smoky lavender and lilac, with hints of claret. The beads match the smoky lilac.
This could be yours.
Leave a comment and you will put into the drawing.
By the way, this applies to USA residents ONLY. Sorry, unless you want to help defray the shipping costs.
I love this colorway!!
It would love to come live at my house!
Well now, it could be destiny. I just finished knitting a lace scarf for myself last night. It has been bathed, blocked & is now around my neck. If only there was more yarn in my fingers ready for the next project, grin, grin.
Beautiful yarn! I've never done a beaded project but would love to try.
Such gorgeous yarn, and sparklies too! Yum. Thanks for the givewaway.
I'm thinking it's been a loooong time since I've done one of your beaded shawls. The time is right for this beauty!
ooohhh.. so pretty and with sparkles too.... love it...
I can think of just the right person for this shawl......thanks for the giveaway!
I bet that will make a spectacular shawl. It just happens to be my very favorite color. Thank you for doing these give aways. It's really generous, and because of it I've discovered a new blog to follow - yours!
Lovely! Anxious to see the pattern! :)
I've been wanting to try my hand at beaded lace, I'd love a chance at this!
Beautiful yarn and a beautiful shawl! I haven't tried any beading yet.
What a beautiful shawl pattern! You are so talented!
What an elegant color that yarn is, and with the beads it will be positively Regal!
Beautiful yarn! Can't wait to see the gorgeous pattern!
Count me in! Sure love your blog, Kay.
What a beautiful combination of colors....I love it!
Fabulous colors! I can't wait to see the shawl pattern.
OH - I LOVE that color- I can't wait to see the shawl pattern! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Oh, my goodness!!! I saw you wearing this shawl pattern at the AR Fiber Extravaganza, and decided that I MUST have it. And to have the whole thing in a kit! WOW!
Love that color! Love to use sparkly things....pick me!
You are truly amazing! I definitely want in the drawing. let me know when and where you will be doing this as a class.
Wow, really truly gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!
The color of the yarn is what I consider "my" colorway! How beautiful! I'd be proud to "give it a home"! You can't have too much yarn, now can you???
I love shawls--and that yarn is such a lovely color. Pick me!
This is yummy yarn. I have wanted to try a bead project for a while. avennett AT verizon DOT net
God bless you for sharing your gifts, and if I could make a book recommendation - "Experiencing the Trinity" by Darrell W. Johnson. (lesliejo on ravelry)
Beautiful yarn!!
What lovely jewel tones in this yarn. I would love to win this especially since the colorway is in line with my birthstone, Amythyst. ravelry name: downegirl
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