The ramblings of an Arkie (Arkansas native)
child of God/wife/mother/Gammy/knitter/crocheter/quilter/weaver/spinner/designer.
Proverbs 31:13a She seeks wool....the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her....
What a beautiful shawl pattern! You are so talented!
January 22, 2011 10:10 AM
I had 26 comments (one from Faith/Millymom who emailed me between Cindi and Sara Kate and does not have a google acct). So, I put 1-26 into the random number generator and comment #15 came up, so Sarah Kate, email me on here or Ravelry and let me know if you live close or if I need to mail this lovely kit to you. Congratulations!
Please check back for the fourth 10,000 yard goal give away later this week. It will be awarded next Monday.
What a beautiful shawl pattern! You are so talented!
January 22, 2011 10:10 AM