This one is for my fourth 10,000 yards of yarn that I used last year. It is a goody bag of delight. It includes the two crocheted kits, one for my Crocheted Apple Hat, the other for my Crocheted Pumpkin Hat. Then I have two skeins (250 yards each) of hand painted yarn in shades of gray with hints of lavender and my Larkrise To Candleford Shawl pattern. Lastly, a small skein (375 yards) of hand painted sock yarn in shades of gray, smoky lavender and deep purple. This can be used for a small lacy scarf or shawlette.
This ALL could be yours.
Leave a comment and you will put into the drawing. If you are on Ravelry, please put your Ravelry name on your comment.
By the way, this applies to USA residents ONLY. Sorry, unless you want to help defray the shipping costs.
Next Week? Look for a real special give away!!
Pick me! pick Me!
I love Larkrise to Candleford!
You are so generous!
Such cute hats and Larkrise to Candleford looks so warm. I absolutely love the gray and purple yarn . . . it's just gorgeous! How generous of you to host this giveaway. I'm very happy to have found your blog; your patterns are lovely and I'm looking forward to cleaning up my knitting queue so I can knit one of your shawls.
She just keeps giving away yarn! This is beautiful, thank you.
Hi Kay, this is Faith and I think I got this working. Sorry to make it harder for you last time I can't imagine how or why you are giving away your yarn but if my number ever comes up I promise to put it to good use. I am signing my name with the name I use on Rev.
My daughter won last week's shawl yarn, beads and pattern. Soooo beautiful! Can't believe that this week's giveaway is even bigger than that.
katyquilts on Rav
Wow! You are the bomb! I can't believe 4 give-aways! Thanks for the chance.
Love the colorway and the shawl pattern!! So perfect together
Kay, the Lord has blessed you with such talent! Thank you for sharing it with the world and giving those of us who don't "have it" from the beginning a chance to work with you!
(not entering to win...just to comment) Oh, the apple and pumpkin hats!!!!! The originals are lovingly packed away for my son to pass on to *his* children. He's sad that his apple hat didn't fit this winter - and so is his momma!! :) I've got to learn to crochet so I can do one for *me* in plum color and make a "plum hat"!
Each yarn is even more beautiful than the last. Thank you, Kay, for your generous giveaway. I sure do hope I win!
Meilynne on Ravelry
Larkrise to Candleford is one of my favorite programs. And the yarn looks yummy! (GaleKnits2)
Love these yarns, and love your generosity too! It's a bit like candy, you know. It's yummy now, but what's next week?
I've have watched your generous give aways one, two, and three and have decided it is time enter and try my luck!
Terzah on Ravelry
Wow this giveaway has got some great prizes! My raverly name is crochetingmama712. Thanks
Okay, not sure my first comment got sent so trying again, not trying to put an extra in. Beautiful yarn would love to knit a shawl with it. Ravelry name is ladyewe
Oh, this all looks gorgeous. I'm shawl-obsessed lately, too. Please count me in!
LOVE the grey and purple yarn! It's beautiful!
I'd be proud to give it a home so, PICK ME!
Me, me! Pick me! Loved seeing you yesterday. And your shawl was beautiful!
Beautiful colors!
What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to enter.
knitterofhats on Ravelry
beautiful! would love to win!
ccaj on ravelry
Oh! I love the colors! I have never knit a shawl before and this looks perfect to start with!
I love Lark Rise to Candleford and watch it every weekday afternoon on Maryland Public Television. I have been admiring the beautiful shawls worn by some of the women. This wonderful yarn is in a colorway that is calling my name, since my birthstone is amythyst. Ravelry name: downegirl
Beautiful yarn that will look fabulous on my shoulders in a new crocheted shawl. Will give your yarn a good home. Thanks, Vickie (aka Redriver) SW Arkansas
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