It is a skein of hand dyed 90% merino wool 10% nylon sock yarn, 400 yards. I am calling it Meadow in Bloom, since it matches one of the quilt I am working on.
All you need to do is leave a comment on this blog. If you can't figure out how to do that, then just email me. Just click on my Profile right under my picture at the left side of the page. It will show you where to email me.
I will number all the comments on Monday and do the random number thingy and award it. Next week, I will do another give away for the second 10,000 yards of yarn used last year! I will announce the winner on this blog, so please keep watching. Leave your Ravelry name, if you are on Ravelry. I will know how to find you.
Understand that just because you leave a comment, does not mean that I have your email. If I do not, I will let you know here. You will have a week to get back to me before it goes to the next person.

Here is my 7th square on my Tulip Twist Quilt. 5 More squares to go on that one. No more batik squares today. I am off to finish up my Meadows in Bloom, then got to finish cleaning the house.

Congrats on reaching your goal! The yarn is beautiful and those quilts are gorgeous!
Beautiful skein-nice way to celebrate your knitting goals! The quilt is coming along perfectly-very pretty!
Congatulations! I love seeing new colors in your quilts.
Love your Meadow in Bloom quilt. Is the applique all hand-done? I'm going to make one of those quilts like your batik quilt. Congratulations on your many, many yards of knitting.
katyquilts on Ravelry
I'm in! Love the yarn and your quilt is beautiful, Kay! You are so fast.
Very pretty color for yarn. You are a busy knitter/quilter. I am GaleKnits2 on Rav.
Congratulations on knitting all that yarn, and what a lovely quilt!
NicoleS on Ravelry
The quikt is lovely!, congrats on hitting 10,000. Cant imagine that.
That yarn is lovely! I looked through your projects page, and everything is so beautiful, as are your quilts!
kristychikadee on Ravelry
Hi lady - you're doing some glorious work. Hope we can connect soon! Glenn - knitngrin
Gorgeous quilt blocks! Congrats on knitting thousands of yards last year!!! ~Aizome
NIce to meet one's goals. good job
maybe should share you secret.
you quilt blocks made me think I should try it again
What a gorgeous quilt. Thanks for the opportunity for the give-a-way. I am always amazed with the numbers that knitters can crank out. We are very industrious people, aren't we? Congratulations!
Beautiful quilts !!! Love the yarn colors !
Love the quilt and the yarn!!
My ravelry name is LaurieKeren. :)
beautiful! :) your quilt blocks are gorgeous as well... and yay for drawings! (i never win drawings, but hey, you can't win if you don't enter!)
my rav name is abagofneedles
Beautiful quilt blocks AND knitting!!
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