April seems to be that kind of month.
The 7th of April found Michael and I driving to DFW for the DFW Fiber Fest.

The Blue Bonnets were just glorious. I love the wildflowers that grow along the TX roadways.
We spent Thursday night in Mount Pleasant, drove into DFW area on Friday, ate lunch at Chef Point.
Luscious food, not Weight Watcher friendly.
I had this. I did not eat all of mine. I could have. It was that delicious, but I knew better.

Michael had this.
I had two lace knitting classes that I was taking by Anne Hanson.

I finished two shawls on this road trip. One on the way there and one on the way back, two NEW designs. The first one is a replica of the shawl worn by Jane in the new Jane Eyre movie. Michael helped me pick out the name, Eyre of Romance Jane Shawl. He is good with play on words.

It is all garter stitch with lots of short row shaping. I love it and the ruffles on the edge. I even criss crossed it Sontag style. I am sure short row ruffles will be in alot of my future designing.
We spent Sat night with kinfolk, James (Bubba), Patti and Jason.
Jason had this adorable cat, Maynard, that he had adopted while away at college.
He loved grabbing at my yarn.
The second shawl that I finished was my Two Color Crescent. I have been experimenting with using solid and variegated yarns for color effects and this design has been marinating in my mind for a long time. I cast on before I left AR so that I could work on it on the road. I love road trip knitting.

We got home on Sunday night and on Monday morning, our hard drive on the desktop computer crashed. We ordered a new hard drive and an EXTERNAL hard drive and had it the next day. Thankfully, I have my own geek squad. Ben was able to save all my documents. I had all of my patterns that I have not gotten around to publishing and all the patterns for the book that I am wrapping up on the old hard drive. Crisis averted!
Thursday night/Friday morning about 2:00, storms hit us. This is what we woke up to on Friday morning.

This is what is left of my beautiful bradford pear tree. I sat on the porch watching Michael cut it down, knitting on a red silk shawl and mourning for my tree. It was a Mother's Day gift when Ben was about 7 or 9. Zill (Athena's husband) and Jim (Ginger's husband) helped to dig the hole to plant it.
This is what it look like December of 2007.

I know, it is just a tree. And I knew that its days were numbered, but I miss its beauty every time I step outside. I miss the sound of the birds in its limbs all day. I will miss its shade this summer. I will miss its beautiful fall color. I will miss the beauty of its naked limbs in the winter.
Here are some pictures of the red silk Seasons of Life Shawl that I finished while watching Michael take it down.

Well, see what I mean about April!?! And it is not over, yet. Still a lot more things happening this month. I will save that for later.
I will leave you with another favorite quote from the book, Knowledge of the Holy by AW Tozer.
"The yearning to know What cannot be known, to comprehend the Incomprehensible, to touch and taste the Unapproachable, arises from the image of God in the nature of man. Deep calleth unto deep, and though polluted and landlocked by the mighty disaster theologians call the Fall, the soul senses its origin and longs to return to its Source."
I love the ruffled edge of the Eyre shawl. I'd like to try it in stockinette. Will have to read through the pattern to see if I can do it!
A lot of Bradford pear trees in Batesville were also felled by the storms. Losing trees really changes the look of the neighborhood.
Great catcher upper post-wow is right. The red silk shawl is stunning! The Jane shawl is is just right for comfort! Sorry about the tree....I get attached to trees, too.
I loved the shawls. I feel so bad for you losing a beautiful tree like that is sad. Cheri
Love, love, love the RED shawl! Red is my favorite color and it is absolutely beautiful!!!
Love the Two Color Crescent and the Seasons of Life shawls! I am sorry about your tree!
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