I, also, have to write the introduction for the book. That is always hard. One page cannot describe the birth pains of a book.
I will take all the models with me to my senior knitting group for a showing. I wish I could share it with you too, but that will have to wait until it is time for the book to be released. I can promise that you will love it, though!
On to other things in life. This is a shawl that Ladawan, one of my senior knitters, designed. Our group wanted the pattern, so I wrote it up for them. It is a free download and you can get it on Ravelry here. My sweet friend, Cindy, is always accommodating when I need a model.

This is how I blocked it. I was not sure how to do the ruffled edge, so I pinned out points every 3-4 inches. I love the way it makes the color change scallop. It only takes 450 yards to make and is a great take-along project to always keep handy. This will probably be a project that I will do over and over for my comfort knitting. Perhaps by the end of the year, I will have enough for all my friends. It makes a great neck scarf, too, as you can tell in the last two pics of it. In the winter, it can serve two purposes, one as a elegant, classy neck scarf over your coat and then on your shoulders to chase away the chill.

This is a picture of the baby blanket that I finished for Baby Hamline. I love the color combo and the eye-catching geometric-ness of it.
Here are some pictures of my workshop that I taught to the Franklin County Fiber Guild in Union, MO. What a great group of knitters. I thoroughly enjoyed my teaching time there. They were an easy group to teach. They were so down to earth and made me feel right at home. I look forward to teach them many more things.
I had 15 students and the workshop lasted from 8:00 to 4:00.

Here are some knitted sheep that one of the knitters had made. I thought they were so cute.
And here is a bobble head sheep that she had made out of gourds. She is quite an imaginative creator.

Sat night found us a UALR. Ben had the honor of being inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Here he is with Grace, his girlfriend.
Here he is with his Phi Kappa Phi daddy.

Here he is with his proud momma and equally proud dad.

Life has been busy and full here. I look forward to a slower pace after this week. I want to get back to finishing the painting in my loom room and back to my quilting. I hope to soon have room cleared out for a new quilting machine. I have to destash and sell a loom or two first. I, also, want to start redoing all my flower beds. Ben and Michael bought me a composter for Mother's Day. I hope to soon have rich compost to put in my herb garden. Thanks for sharing my world today.
I will leave you with another favorite quote from the book, Knowledge of the Holy by AW Tozer.
Yet so subtle is self that scarcely anyone is conscious of its presence. Because man is born a rebel, he is unaware that he is one. His constant assertion of self, as far as he thinks of it at all, appears to him a perfectly normal thing. He is willing to share himself, sometimes every to sacrifice himself for a desired end, but never to dethrone himself. No matter how far down the scale of social acceptance he may slide, he is still in his own eyes a king on a throne, and no one, not even God, can take that throne from him. Sin has many manifestations but its essence is one. A moral being, created to worship before the throne of God, sits on the throne of his own selfhood and from that elevated position declares, "I AM".
Wow, so much to comment on! The book being finished (almost) is cause for celebration-looking forward to its release! The shawl is so pretty-it will be on the needles pretty soon! Glad you shared the pics of the knitting group-looks like it was a great time; I am sure they loved having you there!
Life is good, yes?
So glad you are back! I have missed you and I LOVE the scarf/shawl! The scallop is beautiful. Kay, you are so gifted. I'm glad you're done with your book. It must feel like such an accomplishment. :)
While talking to someone yesterday, I saw you across the room, wearing that beautiful shawl. I wanted to come over and see it and talk, but when the conversation was over, you were gone. It was beautiful from a distance! Hope you're doing well.
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