Well, this is what I finished last week,
A quilt top for someone special for Christmas, must get to Sandy's to quilt it.
A new shawl. This one is called Intrigued Shawl. I could not think of a name for it and Denise/Lost City Knits emailed me. I asked if she wanted to knit my latest and she said that she was intrigued with the description and offer to knit it, but was up to her eyeballs in have-to knitting. It hit me that it would be a perfect name for this shawl. It is crescent shaped (my favorite shawl shape) and has about 550 beads on the edging. It only takes 450 yards of sock weight. I am in the process of doing a solid one now for a dear, sweet friend and blog encourager. Everyone that has seen this shawl, thinks that it is my best design, yet. I think it is the color and all those blingy beads.

Summer heat has hit here in AR with a sledge hammer. I have melted on my morning walks. My flower beds look great, though. I changed out my pot sculpture last week. Lowe's had lots of great clearance buys on flowers. The heat had just killed the pansies. This is the BEFORE pic.

My roses that Ben got me for Mother's Day a few years ago.

Here is a little gecko that Ben found outside. He is still my little nature boy.

I will end with another favorite quote from the book, Knowledge of the Holy by AW Tozer.
"And to us who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope that is set before us in the gospel, how unutterably sweet is the knowledge that our Heavenly Father know us completely. No talebearer can inform on us, no enemy can make an accusation stick; no forgotten skeleton can come tumbling out of some hidden closet to abash us and expose our past; no unsuspected weakness in our characters can come to light to turn God away from us, since He knew us utterly before we knew Him and called us to Himself in the full knowledge of everything that was against us."
That quilt top is gorgeous!
You have been productive! The new quilt is very nice, the shawl is amazing and the yard work is beautiful! The name is just right for your new shawl-good job! (I am working on your slice of summer pattern now with some new hand spun yarn-working out great!)
I agree with Jennifer, that quilt top is gorgeous!!! I love the shawl too, such beautiful colors. I planted zinnias a couple weeks ago, they are loving this hot weather :)
Love that shawl, can you tell us where that pattern will be published and what method you used to put all those beads on?
Faith (HappyK)
Beautiful quilt top! And oh, if I see you in that shawl, I'm likely to club you over the head, take it and RUN!! :) It is beautiful!!!!
You still amaze me, Kay! And inspire me. I wish we lived next door to each other so your creativity would rub off on me! Love you!
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