Tuesday, January 26, 2021

New website, new blog

 I now have a website! My blog will be on it, too, so come on over and join me to find out what I am up to in my crafting world. 😊



Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Learning a new craft

 This is some plaid that I bought in Scotland. It is called Heritage of Scotland plaid. 

Craftsy is up again. I just bought a class to make a Harris plaid tote. If you want to learn a new craft, Craftsy is a great place to find a class. 


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Baby, it’s cold outside!

 It is a roaring fire, hot drink, warm hand-knit wool socks, big knitting project, corn cozy kind of day.

Right now, these are my favorite knit socks. Love that the yarn is a bit thicker than regular sock yarn, but not so thick that a hot flash will send me shedding them off. I love the small stripes of the yarn, the ragg background between the colorful stripes, the way they fit so perfectly with the sweet tomato heel. 

Do you have your wool socks on this morning? 😁🧶❤️

Friday, April 3, 2020

New crochet design

This is a shawl that I started last week. Took it to a cabin over the weekend and could not put it down!
Did work a bit on a Top Knot Hat and socks for my soon to be born grandson #2.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Monday, December 17, 2018

My Spiced Plum jam

I love making edible Christmas gifts. I made this last year and it was a big hit. It is so easy that, of course, I would make it again this year. I am going to share the recipe with you. I hope you have a Costco close by. We have to go all the way to Memphis to shop at one! Ain't that a shame?
I pick up a bag of these plums from Costco. The rest, you will probably have on hand.

  These are the ingredients.

   3 1/2 lbs of Dried plums, chopped into medium pieces
   (I use a cutting board and cut each plum into 4-6 pieces)
3 cups of granulated pure cane sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon juice
1 TBS ground cinnamon (get the good kind)
3/4 tsp nutmeg
 6 cups of water (may need to add a cup more)

Put it all in a big pot.   |
On medium heat, stir it until it comes to a boil

Let it simmer, stirring often, for about 30 minutes.

I take my immersion blender and pulverize it to remove any chunks of plums.Plum gravy!

I simmer another 15 minutes, stirring frequently.
   Add more water, if needed. You don't want it too thick.
    You want it the consistency of apple butter.

                       Put it in sterilized half pint jars and do a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
      This makes about 14 half pints.
      Enjoy, make enough to spread the love around!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Catching Up a wee bit!

This is just going to be a hodgepodge of little  things I’m doing, things I’ve done and things I love.

Don't feel overwhelmed this year for Christmas. Got so much of my gift making done on a cabin retreat. What a joy!
Made this cute little red riding hood cape for a great-great niece. Love knitting for little girls!
Pattern is on Ravelry. 

Had the opportunity to go spend a week at a cabin. Took my sewing machine and lots of fabric, ironing board and iron and tons of knitting!

Loved being able to have my quiet time in front of this wonderful fireplace.

Day 1, I finished 13 Christmas hotpads.

Day 2, I finished 4 Christmas hotpads, one color work hat, one Buffalo plaid cowl and 5 appliqued dishtowels. 
Day 3, I finished 3 buffalo plaid cowls, and one lace weight silk ruffled scarf.
Day 4, I finished 2 color work hats and one ruffled scarf.

Day 5, I finished this lovely knitting tote and almost finished another one, but found out that I did not have all the fabric I needed to complete it. I have had this fabric and pattern for over 2 years!
Bought my first piece of stained glass at a local flea market in Choctaw, AR. 

Just wanted to share a gradient set that I bought on our trip to CO. This reminded me of the color changes of the aspens in Estes Park. Already know what this yarn wants to be!

Came back from vacation and hit 4 of the local yarn stores for our local 2018 Yarn Crawl.
This is a door prize that I won at Knit 2 Together in Russellville, AR.

Won this kit as a door prize at Knit Unto Others in Arkedelphia, AR.

Won this gradient set as a door prize from Twisted Purl in Conway, AR.

This is what I am currently working on for my Peanuts loving grandson. He calls him "Brown".
Going to make him a Linus, too. 
Got a little man cardigan on needles for him and a Christmas tree vest, too. 

That's all for now. 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Yard Love

Friday night, we went to our local home improvement store for a few supplies.

88 blocks, 3 bags of lava rock and 4 bags of paver dust.

                  This flower bed is getting a new look. Didn't get around to that, yet.

        This spot was getting a fire pit! Finally! I have wanted a fire pit for more than 10 years. We have been looking for a new house for 4 years. I finally got tired of waiting.

 All ready waiting to be built.
While my Michael worked on the fire pit, I stayed out of the way by keeping busy with other projects.

 I replanted the pot sculpture.

 I weeded and whipped my patch of Greg's Mist Flower into submission. 

I weeded this bed and my two other raised beds. Got them ready for plants and seeds.

 And while I did all that, my Michael finished the fire pit. 

 We got cleaned up, went out for a bite of supper and came back and made out first fire.

 Our backyard will never win a shot in a magazine, but it has been such an oasis for us all these years. I have spent many hours in that swing. In the early evening, it is in the shade and such a peaceful place to enjoy God's blessing on this little patch of paradise. We love listening to the birds chirp away. So many hours spent with Ben as a young boy and then young man. Now we have our grand Peter to enjoy it with. I am looking forward to teaching him to love all the nature God has given us on this earth.
Today, I planted my basil, some leaf lettuce, and several varieties of tomatoes. 
Last year, my tomatoes just produced beyond my wildest imagination! I canned over 100 jars of  various tomato products for Christmas gifts. I hope to do the same this year. 

I'm trying to post more this year. Next post, I hope to share a few designs coming up and a photo shoot. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Claire Shawl -- New Design

This lace shawl was designed for Knit Unto Others in Arkadelphia, AR to celebrate the 2017 Yarn Crawl.
The Colored by Kristi Soupy Sock yarn used is sold exclusively there. It is a beautiful yarn that was perfect for this design.
This pattern includes charts and written instructions.
Sock Weight yarn, 450 yards
Shown made in Colored by Kristi Soupy Sock,
75% Merino Wool/25% Nylon, 100 grams (3.50 oz)/463 yards
29” Circular needle, size 7 (4.50 mm) or size needed to obtain gauge
440 - Size 6 seed beads, approximately 39 grams
(12 beads per gram)
Markers, Steel crochet hook, size 11 (.8 mm) for placing beads
Pins for Blocking
GAUGE: In Stockinette Stitch, 20 sts and 28 rows = 4”
Finished Size: Unblocked approximately 48 1/2” x 23 1/2”; blocked, 63” x 31”

Claire Shawl can be found here.

Isn't my new model just a doll?