Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Quick Post

I have a long "to do" list for today, so this will be a very quick post. I had to share this picture of one of my "unfelted" knit clogs. I put it beside my size 9 Clark mules for size reference. It looks like it will fit a clown's foot. I am almost finished with the second one. I will not felt them right away, but when I do, I will show you the end result. I have to do the sole for the second one and then I will have another present to mark as finished on my Christmas 2008 list! I do not remember the first pair I made being so quick. I want to do a pair for Mike and Ben later this year. These are wonderful, warm house clogs. I love mine. My poor toes would have frost bite if it were not for my clogs.
Are my friends wondering who among them has feet the size of Shaquille O'neal?

1 comment:

Kathie said...

not wondering about the size of the feet but I am wondering "who" among your friends LOVES black and red :D