Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 in the rear view mirror

I know that I have been quiet, lately. The prep and communication issues leading up to the workshop, a great niece's wedding and my yearly Christmas open house, wiped me out. Of course, the fact that I always feel quiet and contemplative heading into a new year, always adds to that.

2012 Was a good year, many blessings, sorrows over the path of our country, but many blessings in our private lives.
I look over last years posts to remind myself of all those blessings. It is good to do that. It is good to focus on the kindness and goodness of God in our lives. I think I have to work extra hard on that. I am easily tempted to despair. I have to daily refocus my heart on the truth of God.

2012 Was a precious time for me, in respect to my quiet time. I discovered the Puritans through some of their books.
Here is a list of some of these and others that have focused my heart on God's truth:
The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel
Indwelling Sin In Believers by John Owen
The Sinfulness of Sin by Ralph Venning
Providence Handled Practically by Obadiah Sedgwick
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks

What a rich treasure trove the discovery of these writers has been.
That is probably my most precious blessing of 2012 and that is saying a lot, because there were some pretty amazing blessings.
2012 Was an opportunity to teach at DFW Fiber Fest. This was a really big event for me. My first time to teach on this level. Very scary, but such a great success. It really gave me confidence in my teaching on a whole new level. It made the workshop in December smooth and comfortable for me.
2012 Saw our son, Ben graduating from college.
2012 Saw my Knitting For A Cure book released. Knitting for causes and making my knitting matter is such a joyful part of my life. If I could not do that, I think I would lose all joy in the craft.
2012 Was a fun year of teaching classes at Knit Unto Others. Thank you Clair for wearing me down until I came and taught. You have such an amazing store and knitting community!
2012 Saw Michael and I celebrating 30 years of God's faithfulness to preserve our love for each other.
2012 Saw Michael and I realizing a long dream of going to Seattle. I am still working on the posts for that. I still have a few days to post. I will get back to that soon.
Last, but not least............2012 Saw our Ben give us a wonderful, early Christmas present.........a future daughter-in-law.

See the kindness and goodness of God in our lives?
2012 Was a blessing year.
Thank you God for your kindness and goodness.

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

So glad it was a busy but fulfilling year for you! Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! Such joys to look forward to !

(And yes, the blog is a wonderful tool for reflection of God's hand in your daily life!)